Meet The Rising Star Behind The Cover Of The November 2021 Issue Of GEK Magazine: Faith Andersen

Faith is a 9-year-old beauty queen and lives in Newcastle and travels to Sydney frequently – Her current title is “World Universal Runway Princess.” She’s a very outgoing young lady now who has overcome many of life’s obstacles at such a young age. Her willingness to thrive and achieve the happiest moments out of life for herself and others around her. Faith lives for the finest things in life such as the simplest things such as nature, animals, insects, and all things to do with the environment. She competed in her first pageant with future faces and pulled queen for her age group and received a crown which is what she wished for. She auditioned for Trendy B audition and made it to the Trendy B Kids fashion festival, so she was super stoked. She loves supporting causes and charities as well as helping anyone in need.

GEK magazine recently had a chat with Faith about her journey in pageantry and here’s what went down:

How did you get into the pageant industry?

I started pageantry and runway when I was 8. I am a very adventurous girl who loves to go to the beach, collect shells, and swim.

What do you like most about being a beauty queen?

I love being a beauty queen as taught me to be myself and have self-confidence. I’ve also loved meeting and getting to know all the other beauty queens.

What has been the most memorable experience of being in the pageant industry so far?

My most memorable experience about being in the pageant industry would have to be receiving my first sash and crown.

Who have been the most interesting people you’ve met so far?

The most interesting people I have met during the pageants is Emmy as she is an inspiration and is beautiful and supportive. Also, Jasmine as she has done a lot of pageants, and when I went to watch Mrs. Universal last year when she was competing – she was one that stood out to me. I met her afterward and she was amazing so I want to be just like her.

Is your family supportive of you being in the pageant industry?

My little family is most supportive of what I do. As we all do pageants except my daddy, but he is still so supportive and comes to support me every time. I love doing pageants with my little sister Montarna and looking forward to doing one with someone I look up to the most, which most know as Tiarne.

Who’s your role model?

My role model is my daddy because he has the most caring heart and always puts us before himself and is always there for me when I’m feeling sad, happy, or when I achieve my goals, and even when I don’t He has taught me it doesn’t matter as long as you get out there and give it a go they are proud.

What are your future plans? Inside pageantry or out of it.

When I’m on stage it makes me feel like I’m a princess. My life goal for pageantry is to one day make it to a national level and compete overseas.

Photo Credit: Shutterfly Images