Set in the backdrop of Hyatt Regency, various fashionistas, models, and photographers flocked together to witness an event featuring the 2022 Miss Earth Australia finalists. The event is the brainchild of Miss Earth Australia National Director Julieta De Leon and Managing Director Marc Baylon.
Amongst flashing lights, media coverage, and music was Stargazer Production and the Miss Earth Australia Organization right in the middle of it all. It was a great night filled with world-class fashion and entertainment as they celebrated their love and commitment to Mother Earth.
The 2022 Miss Earth Australia 2022 Grand Launch and Fashion Show featured some of the most incredibly talented Sydney designers, such as Tommy Ge of Leatheron, Faten Lawn, Lily African Wares, Alies Bol, and Armando Crisostomo.
Check out some of the photos below from the fashion show courtesy of George Azmy: