Buckle Up, Australia: The 2020 Australian Golden Sash Awards Is Set To Hit Sydney In Less Than 4 Weeks!

The AGSA (Australian Golden Sash Awards) is a ceremony aimed at showcasing Australian beauty queens who have made the most outstanding contributions to the pageant industry during the year.

To provide integrity in the judging of the categories, National Directors are typically invited to nominate beauty queens who have competed in their respective pageant systems in the specified categories. Entries are usually judged by the entire pageant community. You must be a National Director, a titleholder, or a beauty pageant contestant to be eligible to vote.

This annual event is the first of its kind in Australia. The ceremony is brought to you by MS Entertainment Network in collaboration with StarCentral Magazine.

Unfortunately for 2020, biosecurity measures and travel restrictions have been put in place to help prevent the spread of COVID-19. Thus, Australia’s borders are closed and sadly, other National Directors and beauty queens from interstate and overseas are unable to join our 2020 celebration.

Since we have COVID-19 restrictions in place, this year for AGSA, we have not opened nominations and there will also be no voting open from the pageant community; for 2020, each National Director can nominate their own champions from their respective pageant systems and they can award their champions during the AGSA ceremony. The National Directors who are unable to attend AGSA will be able to nominate their respective champions and AGSA certificates will be issued to their chosen winners.

On a happy note, the 2020 Australian Golden Sash Awards officially got sold out in less than a week and we look forward to seeing the pageant community celebrate with us before the year ends! We’d like to thank our major sponsors for this event: Sanjiv Bhalla’s Elite Supermodel Australia and St. Patrick’s College Australia. Thank you for continually supporting our projects.